NiS Universal income

Your NiS A.I. Agent

Your NiS A.I. Autonomous Agent that works for you.


Join NiS Community

Under a UIS system, every eligible person, typically citizens from a specified community, would receive a fixed amount of resources on a regular basis, without any means-testing or work requirements.


Find the NiS AI Agent

You can create one or more NiS AI Agents and earn more for each NiS AI owned.


Mint your NiS AI Agent

Earn 20 USDT/month for each NiS AI created.
You can earn up to 10.000 USDT. This is a max-cap for the anti-manipulation & whales protection system.

NiS Circular Economics

Create NiS AI

Up-to $10.000 USDT-NiS

Hire your NiS A.I. Autonoumous Agent and let it work for you.

  • Create Your own NiS AI

  • Assambling Cost 100 USDT

  • Income 20 USDT / month

  • You can have more Agents

Create one NiS AI Agent to generate 20 USDT value each month for 1 year.
Create more NiS AI Agents to generate more wealth.

© NiS AI. All rights reserved.